
Margaret Island

One of the most popular Hungarian pop bands of recent times, thanks to their bucolic lyrics, their sophisticatedly orchestrated songs, the natural charisma of singer Viki Lábas and the fact that the band represents a unique colour and is not an imitation of international formations. They play light, positive pop music with thought-provoking messages. In recent years, the band has become an unmissable performer on the main stages of the biggest Hungarian festivals and the country’s largest open-air venues like Budapest Park. Margaret Island was founded by Viki Lábas, Kristóf Törőcsik and Bálint Füstös in 2014. The two guitarists came up with the band’s name as Margaret Island was their favourite part of Budapest and can also symbolise the desire to escape: “this island in Budapest is a place where people go to relax and get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Maybe our music is a bit like that”. Törőcsik and Füstös discovered Viki Lábas at a talent show in Balatonboglár. Their first song (Soaked in Life, 2014), unsurprisingly, was born on Margaret Island and was in English. However, on the advice of the well-known musician and composer János Bródy, they soon continued in Hungarian. The lyrics of the band are mostly written by Szabolcs Hujber. The promising debut album (Egyszer volt, 2015) already had a standout hit (Eső). This was followed by a new album, (Bakancslista, 2016) with several memorable hits. The third album arrived in 2018 (III), again with big hits and Margaret Island became a real hit in the Hungarian popular music scene from this year onwards. The three-piece core band was supported almost from the beginning by Tamás Verók (guitar), Dániel Gerendás (drums) and Bertalan Sárkány (percussion). Kurszán Koltay joined them in September 2015. Over time, a sound and a light technician also joined the band and the production has grown to more than ten members.

Last update: 2024-8, Szigeti László

Content in Hungarian
